Small Update

Not to much to update. I have been swamped at work with getting multiple projects done at once. I’ve got tons of different server builds and a lot of them don’t have many things we can do with automation until I can learn the build process. One of the servers is an Oracle DB build where we have to configure ASM disks, which I don’t have experience doing. Hopefully all will go well and I can make some headway and finish it up quickly.

In other news I think I will be picking up python as my primary or secondary language. I wanted to stick with C#, but I find that working with C# in a unix enviroment is a tad difficult without being able to have the .NET libraries. Plus python has more modules for ssh and automation than one could ever dream of. It will take a while to learn, but I hear it is pretty easy to pick up.

Written on October 26, 2017