Search for a Virtualization host

So, I have been looking around on ebay for a box to use as a virtualization host in my homelab. I do already have 2 unused laptops inside my apartment which I could use, but since I love spending money so much I want to buy another one. I am still using my MacBook, although the small display is proving difficult to keep using and I have the scale the interface up so I cause less strain on my eyes reading the tiny font. I am watching CentOS install and I want to give it a try before I try using it at work. I may just use ubuntu and call it a day since we can get packages for ubuntu as well. We’ll have to see though. So I will be making a short on my development environment. Unfortunately I don’t think I can avoid using outlook for emails. :(

So I will be running a Latitude e5250

  • OS: Ubuntu 16.04.03
  • Office Suite: Libre Office
  • Email Outlook Web Client
  • Text Editor: Atom, VScode
  • IDE: MonoDevelop
  • Media: VLC
  • Chat: Skype
  • Remote: Remmina

Most of my actual work is done in VMs and on the web, (I work in the open systems side of things mostly RHEL7.2 and RHEL6.8) so I think that this setup would be most beneficial for me to have.

Written on September 25, 2017