Long Time No See...

So I will have another update as soon as I get the project that I have started on up to speed and uploaded into GitLab. It seems everyone is making the switch to GitLab. (Since Microsoft bought github…) Microsoft doesn’t have a great track record with open source, but I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt. None of the other items will be moving to GitLab. So this webpage will stay here, unless I decide to move it.

I won’t go into detail about the project, but it basically is an Ansible Client for Windows Hosts. I have found loggin into an ansible server to run commands/playboos when I need to automate things is not great way of doing things. I thought it would be nice to have a client that can do some things so I don’t have to bother with logging in. (Or creating a bunch of aliases in powershell)

Written on July 4, 2018