Long Time No See...

Wow, it’s been a while since an update. :(

The last couple of weeks have been really stressful and busy for me. I was able to put out a new version of myr! The new version includes multi-threading and log files. I may have broken the scp upload somehow though. I will have to go back and look at it again and see if I can fix it.

If you are wondering where I have been (you probably aren’t). I have been ultra busy at work build servers for the company I work for. In November we saw a lot of project get escalated and push through our intake team, who had no control over the mess that it created. There was one week where I ended up build around 78 servers in three day. While impressive it is no very good for my stress and health levels. I was talking with a co-worker the other day and was realizing how we both don’t have time for our hobbies anymore. With the amount of work we receive sometimes it is hard to disconnect from our job when we get home. Also tiredness and family/spouse play a role in this too. I love what I do, but after the month of November I feel like I need a breather.

On another note I am setting up my homelab to use Ubuntu MAAS. I noticed at my job we don’t have an automated way of deploying physical servers, so I thought I would test MAAS out and see if it could be used by our team to help alieveate some of the pains of building our physicals. I got my instance set up. Now all I need it the hardware. Hopefully is all goes well we can implement this at my job and make the process better.

Written on December 1, 2017